Friday, September 30, 2011

Busy, busy!

I've been a productive little gremlin lately.

Here is the rough work I've been doing! Enjoy!


Onwards to project two! Once I have a more finalize sketch of my other project, I'll post that too! Yay productivity! <3

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I know this is totally weird but I'm posting again! In the same week! Amazing, I know.

However, I wanted to get some sketches up. I sat in on a figure drawing class today and did a few poses and was pleased to know that I can still, in fact, draw from a model. It was really challenging cause they were working with folds and he wrapped a sheet around him and all sorts of stuff. Also, I've taken an interest in pretty flowers. Woo!

Enough typing, more drawings.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Projects, round 1

I've been working on school projects for the past two weeks and I have to say that I've learned a few things about myself and the way I tackle these projects.

The first project for my Illustration class started out shaky as ever. I didn't really have a clear idea of where I wanted to go and where I wound up was far from were I thought I'd end up. However, I do like the outcome and I feel it represents what I like to do far more than my first version. I still have some work to do but I do not have any time tonight and right now I'm motivated to submit a blog post dammit!!

Project 1 for Illustration 2: Editorial piece on the article I focused on the medical uses for this pretty amazing piece of technology. The big one is the full page illustration, and the small one is the spot illustration, Again, I still have more playing around to do and will upload the final image at a later date. The lines are done in Sketchbook Pro and the colors are done in Photoshop.

Project 1 for Composition was a more open subject and I was able to select my own body of writing and illustrate it. I chose the song Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
 I took a much different course for this piece, doing a highly rendered digital image. This has given me so much grief I couldn't even begin to tell you. Not only were there issues with the file constantly changing sizes, but the resolution and random artifacts that kept popping up drove me nuts. Also, I went to print this version and the size is different than the first run through, so the matte I had cut is now wrong. Woo, -10 pts for me. Ah well. I do enjoy the way it looks and it proves to me I can somewhat render in Photoshop/Sketchbook Pro. I had  a lot of layers on this piece.

So, that's what I've got to show for myself so far in the semester. I have completed one ball bounce in animation, I am going to be filming the second tomorrow hopefully, and getting started on a character jump! Woo! Eventually things will be digitized and I can upload those. We're already moving quickly into the second project which I think will be fun and much less frustrating. First projects are always hard.
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Okay, so my crit for my Illustration 2 class was that I was on a boarderline. I either needed more or less with how I rendered on said project(which I will upload after I revise). So, I've been thinking about my process and how I go about creating something from start to finish and I realize what has possibly been holding me back.
Too much work. I am thinking too long on each piece that I "set out" to finish. So, this time...I just did it. I didn't think too much except for if my colors made sense, the light made sense, and her perspective made sense.

So far, I think it's successful(minus some problems with lighting and possibly color harmony I was actively thinking about it though, so I think I need to do some more studies.). We'll see.
About 2 hours time...

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Perhaps, I do in fact know how to use color and "paint" in Photoshop after all. I wonder what clicked. Anyhow, here is a new character of mine, Cora. She's a sour-faced, revenge bent, shaman. She's got a lovely personality :D

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer Sketches

So, I went on another hiatus mostly because I forgot about this blog and I had been busy with vacations and not wanting to do anything. While I was on vacation, though, I decided to start a project of anthropomorphize sea animals with half naked hot chicks. So far, I've done 7. Here they are! They're very Art Nouveau inspired, I <3 it so much.

 This one is the basic Fishtail "seamaiden" as I've coined them.
 This is my faavoriiite! This is an Octopus hybrid.
 This is my third favorite, the Leafy Sea Dragon
 I like the tentacles of this, Jellymaiden~
 This is probably my least favorite, it got all squished. A Sharkmaiden!
This is an eel. I had a heck of a time with that pattern~!
This is an Angler fish adaptation? I dunno, they're ugly ass creatures so I was struggling with this one. Also, the scan didn't come out so great. Boo!

Yup, so now I'm in classes that make me draw all the time so I'll begin to update those as soon as Im finished with them. They're mostly going to be digital so I have no excuse for scanning things in!