Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Summer Sketches

So, I went on another hiatus mostly because I forgot about this blog and I had been busy with vacations and not wanting to do anything. While I was on vacation, though, I decided to start a project of anthropomorphize sea animals with half naked hot chicks. So far, I've done 7. Here they are! They're very Art Nouveau inspired, I <3 it so much.

 This one is the basic Fishtail "seamaiden" as I've coined them.
 This is my faavoriiite! This is an Octopus hybrid.
 This is my third favorite, the Leafy Sea Dragon
 I like the tentacles of this, Jellymaiden~
 This is probably my least favorite, it got all squished. A Sharkmaiden!
This is an eel. I had a heck of a time with that pattern~!
This is an Angler fish adaptation? I dunno, they're ugly ass creatures so I was struggling with this one. Also, the scan didn't come out so great. Boo!

Yup, so now I'm in classes that make me draw all the time so I'll begin to update those as soon as Im finished with them. They're mostly going to be digital so I have no excuse for scanning things in!

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