Sunday, October 23, 2011 we go

Midterms come and gone, we're now closing in on the last half of the semester when things really get difficult and everyone crams projects into these last few weeks. I decided to jump into something pretty stupid, two rendered pieces at once. What was I thinking? Oh, how cool it would look in the end. Except, I'm feeling like I might be a little behind and I'm just so tired from work and school and no play!

Anyway, here is what I have so far. I would say Im 30-35% on my one for composition and 40% for my one for Illustration. I'm currently just working on backgrounds, slowly filtering in details and leaving the main figures for last. We'll see how it works, I think it's working out alright.

Composition: I'm doing this one on a creature called a Nix. They're evil water creatures that have been known to drown people as well as coexist with them. This is 11"X17"

Illustration: we had to illustrate two words. Mine was Chaotic and Trifle. I took the definition for trifle to mean knick-knack, bobble, small trinket...I know you can't see it yet, because I've been busy setting up the stage, but the main figure is going to be a gypsy whose fortune telling cards got out of hand and began to swirl around her and out of her caravan. I've been spending most of my time on this one, hoping the perspective is okay and that all the clashing colors aren't too hideous. We'll see. This is 18"X24" with an inch and a half border.
So, I'm tackling a lot of things I'm not too familiar with, water, how things react with water, perspective, fully rendered light, and a lot of elements all at once. Go me! I hope I can finish these in time, they're not looking too good at the moment. Wish me luck, I'll need it.

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